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To get a better understanding on how my opening sequence should play out, I carried out a questionnaire on and based the questions mostly surrounding the genre I want to base my opening scene on. I received quite a diverse range of answers from my peers although there were some options that were preferred a lot more than the others.

My first question asked my audience what their favorite genre usually is, and from my results, I am not too surprised that the 'comedy' genre is in the lead. This is because I feel as though almost everyone enjoys going to the movies to watch a light-hearted and funny movie that could possibly act as a positive diversion from reality. Horror earns second place (along with romance) and this could be because of the whole thrill and adrenaline rush that you experience from watching a good horror movie.

In relation to this question, the audience preferred 'psychological horror' to the other sub-genres. Psychological horror is preferred more often because of its mental, emotional and psychological states to frighten, disturb or unsettle the viewers. It is also seen as more realistic compared to the other genres– such as the slasher horror. 

Storylines are extremely important within films. Without them, there is no purpose or continuity that could engage the audience– therefore it is the most popular option. Although directors are important as well, it is fair to say that the majority of people don't realize the importance of this critical role within the film industry– so it is overlooked more often. 

The sight of something is probably more terrifying than simply just imagining it since it is visually seen and not just a figment of our imagination. 

Gory scenes in slasher films tend to be over dramatic and fake compared to the real scare that can be found in the psychological horror. 

Thriller and mystery is a good combination with the horror genre as it engages the audience and contains enigmas that make the viewers want to keep watching to get the answers that they need. 

With most of the horror movies, the storyline is easily predictable due to the cliche plot that they follow in the movies. This is disappointing for the viewers because they expect more unique and original storylines from a new film.

Keeping the audience on edge is great for horror movies because the genre's sole purpose is to disturb its viewers and to make them feel a bit uneasy. 
